10 reasons why your company needs a website compatible with mobile devices

Does your business have a website? If the answer to this question is yes, the first thing you should make sure is that your website is responsive (compatible with mobile devices).
In the past, where people could afford it, having a separate desktop and mobile website was a common practice. The main problem with this is that keeping two separate sites is expensive and time consuming. In addition, mobile sites are limited to smartphones and do not work well on tablets and some small screen sizes.
Having a single sensitive website is now the practice recommended by Google. This also means that your website will work on all major devices without problems, for example. Mobile, desktop and tablet.

What is a responsive design?

In his blog about the Beginner's Guide on Responsive Web Design, Nick Pettit has explained the responsive design perfectly in an easy to understand way. A receptive site changes and reorganizes the elements and design according to the size of the web browser screen and the device.
Responsive design means that your website adapts to the device on which it is opening to provide the best possible experience. The menu will collapse or expand according to the size of the screen and the page layout will be re-aligned to provide a much better experience for the user.
Let's look at the advantages of being Responsive:

1. Responsive design is recommended by Google

Since the Google algorithm update in April 2015, responsive design is now favored in Google Rankings instead of having a separate mobile website, or of course, not having a website compatible with mobile devices!
Please see this short video about what Matt Cuts of Google says about the benefits of responsive design.

2. Mobile use is huge!

By not having a website suitable for mobile devices, you are hampering your business and eliminating a large part of your potential business.
Now is the time to update your business website and get a responsive design. As the saying goes, 'Statistics do not lie' and this is shown below:
"In the United States, 25% of Internet users only access the Internet on a mobile device" - Smart Insights
"4 out of 5 consumers buy on smartphones" - ComScore
"40% of people will choose a different search result if the first one is not suitable for mobile devices": crushing
"In 2012, more than half of the local searches were made on a mobile device" - Smart Insights

3. Improved user experience

It is much more likely that a visitor to your website will stay on your site and browse more if you can easily see the website on your mobile device. If the user has to spend a lot of time zooming and scrolling through a desktop website on his mobile device, he is much more likely to leave his site in the first few seconds.

4. Improved loading speeds!

Google's page speed developers have stated that the standards now recommend that content on the top of the lid on a mobile device be uploaded in less than 1 second, with the entire page loading in less than 2 seconds.
This type of speed is very rare when loading a desktop version of a website on a mobile device. When a client has to wait more than this time for a page to load, there is a good chance that they will go to a competitor's site.

5. Higher bounce rates

If your website does not work well on mobile devices, tablets and desktop computers, high rebound rates will be a problem for your business.
Having a separate mobile website can cause a high bounce rate. This is because the content on a mobile website is often very small or different from the content that is displayed in the desktop version.
Having a Responsive Design avoids this by showing all the content of the Desktop site, but in a much more effective and functional way. This means that it is not necessary to reduce the content that is displayed on mobile devices. This helps ensure that visitors always receive the information they seek: Keep users engaged and keep bounce rates to a minimum!

6. Reduce expenses

Websites that are designed exclusively for mobile devices do not offer full menu navigation, as you can find on a desktop website. This also means that you will need to manage a mobile website and a desktop website.
Having a responsive website will save your business tremendously in design, development and maintenance costs!

7. Best SEO

Responsive design is now crucial to help increase the position of your websites in search engine results. Having a responsive website means that you will only have to invest in the marketing of a single site. In addition to this, the URL of all pages on your website will remain consistent for all devices: this improves your ranking and visibility in search engines.

8. Improved sales and conversions

In addition to all the other benefits of having a responsive website, it will also help you increase your online sales and conversions. How exactly? If your company's website does not work well on a mobile or tablet, users will be much less likely to complete contact forms, make purchases and become customers. If a potential customer enters your website and has a problem with your website on your mobile device, you are likely to lose your business. However, if the prospect has a simple and uncomplicated experience on your website, it is likely to become.

9. Easier analysis

The best thing about having a responsive website is that all your analysis and monitoring tools will continue to work and will be integrated into a single report for simple monitoring and planning.

10. A long-term solution

In today's world, technology advances and advances continuously. This can make it very difficult to see what comes next.
One of the main advantages of having an adaptable website for mobile devices is that even for technology that is not yet available, such as the smart devices of the future, your website will continue to work well and will be optimized. This means that your Responsive website will serve your business efficiently for years to come.


Mobile browsing is on the rise and having a responsive website is the way to go: save your business time, reduce development and administration costs, and help you achieve SEO results, improve conversions and much more!
Please, get in touch with any questions you may have about responsive design or to discuss a project!


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