Mobile application development trends to see in 2019 and beyond

By the end of 2018, a number of mobile applications development worldwide will reach 205.4 billion. To attract people's attention, mobile app developers use more and more non-trivial and complex technologies every year.
We prepare for you a list of mobile application trends to see in 2019. Read on to secure your application with millions of users.
Trends in mobile development

1. Augmented Reality (AR)

While the massive diffusion of virtual reality (VR) still needs time, AR or augmented reality, it increased its use dramatically.
AR does not create a completely virtual world, it changes or adds something to the present moment. In addition, augmented reality provides a more personalized experience for users when buying, training or visiting events.
Google and Apple demonstrated their new demonstrations based on AR with a simpler implementation of the technology. When virtual reality is not developed so actively to introduce it into mobile applications, AR is widely used and will continue to increase the number of users.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML have already created a great impact in the development of mobile technologies.
Whether you want to unlock your phone with the help of a face or translate languages ​​in real time with a camera, know that you are using AI and ML technologies.
In addition, with the help of technologies, concerns and security problems have been reduced. With the growing need to ensure cybersecurity, these technologies are growing impressively.

3. The Internet of things (IoT)

Internet of things is a technology that connects physical devices, machines and digital objects, which use software, sensors and other forms of connectivity to share information.
IoT in mobile applications offers a more flexible platform that consumes less money compared to web applications. The technologies are used in a series of spheres and will obtain more and more popularity. As an example of an IoT application, check out our ideal smart parking solution.

4. Instant application for Android

The Android instant application combines the power and productivity of the application with the operational work of the site. Instant applications allow users to use an application without installation, which increases the commitment to an application.
Use this trend to get more facilities by submitting your instant application on Google Play, on social networks and anywhere you share a link.

5. Chatbot

Chatbot in the future will have more than half of all online customer service.
People, born after the 1980s, prefer to send text messages, so technology will increase its popularity. They provide quick help to customers, reduce the company's operating costs and boost revenues. If you are not using Chatbot, a new year will be a great opportunity to add it to your application.
Keep in mind that not all applications need Chatbot. Such a solution will be quite useful if you have an application in electronic commerce, education or in the financial field.


In 2018, a series of mobile applications based on Android and iOS reached more than 2 million for each of the platforms. A simple application will have little chance of success, so try adding any of the functions mentioned above to ensure the download of your application.
JET BI is a team of experts who are always attentive to the latest news about the world of mobile application development. Contact us today to develop an application according to the latest trends.


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