
Mobile application development trends to see in 2019 and beyond

By the end of 2018, a number of mobile applications development worldwide will reach 205.4 billion. To attract people's attention, mobile app developers use more and more non-trivial and complex technologies every year. We prepare for you a list of mobile application trends to see in 2019. Read on to secure your application with millions of users. Trends in mobile development 1. Augmented Reality (AR) While the massive diffusion of virtual reality (VR) still needs time, AR or augmented reality, it increased its use dramatically. AR does not create a completely virtual world, it changes or adds something to the present moment. In addition, augmented reality provides a more personalized experience for users when buying, training or visiting events. Google and Apple demonstrated their new demonstrations based on AR with a simpler implementation of the technology. When virtual reality is not developed so actively to introduce it into mobile applications, AR is widely u

10 reasons why your company needs a website compatible with mobile devices

Does your business have a website? If the answer to this question is yes, the first thing you should make sure is that your website is responsive (compatible with mobile devices). In the past, where people could afford it, having a separate desktop and mobile website was a common practice. The main problem with this is that keeping two separate sites is expensive and time consuming. In addition, mobile sites are limited to smartphones and do not work well on tablets and some small screen sizes. Having a single sensitive website is now the practice recommended by Google. This also means that your website will work on all major devices without problems, for example. Mobile, desktop and tablet. What is a responsive design? In his blog about the Beginner's Guide on Responsive Web Design, Nick Pettit has explained the responsive design perfectly in an easy to understand way. A receptive site changes and reorganizes the elements and design according to the size of the web bro

Why is SEO important for your business in 2019?

In the last 5 years, the number of online businesses and online websites has increased dramatically compared to the early years of 2000, when people realized the importance and benefit of the Internet. The numbers will increase year after year as more and more people have access to the Internet worldwide, which will lead to greater competition for the attention of consumers in the online space. As you already know, BrainStudioz is among the leading SEO agencies in London . We offer SEO services at the highest level and have dealt with thousands of clients who struggle to make contact with their clients. In this article, we will explain the importance of organic search engine optimization for your business by 2018 and how much you are really missing if your website is not properly optimized. Massive use of Google search: What we always say to our clients is: "What would you do if you had a problem or a question?" You will jump to the Internet, go to Google and writ